Every person - child or adult - has the right to be protected. When organizations work with persons experiencing vulnerability, living in fragile contexts or through a disaster, or navigating a crisis situation, there is a responsibility to recognize the inherent power differential that exists between the organization and the people it serves. This is because power can be abused by persons in real or perceived positions of power, influence, authority, control, or trust. When power is abused, it can lead to myriad forms of visible or invisible harms including abuse, discrimination, exploitation, and harassment. Every organization has the duty to implement safeguards to mitigate risks associated with the intrinsic and unequal power dynamics both within workplace hierarchies and when operating in communities.

Safe Organizations, LLC, is a boutique safeguarding consultancy firm created to partner with our client-organizations* to promote transformative change in safeguarding practices and workplace culture. We provide bespoke services and deliver technical support tailored to the unique needs of each organization.

No matter where your organization is on its safeguarding and workplace culture journey, we are here to provide quality services to complement your organization’s mission, values, and needs.

*Clients include NGOs, non-profits, schools & universities, faith-based institutions, sports & the arts, child & adult protection agencies, penal systems & courts, and private sector businesses (e.g., for-profit companies).

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our mission

We recognize the resiliency and strength of children, adults, impacted communities, our clients, and each other. Through our work, we endeavor to work with clients to reduce harm, abuse, exploitation, discrimination, and harassment that arise out of preventable abuses of power within organizations. We do this by delivering contextualized support to strengthen the culture of safety & protection, well-being, and multiculturalism while balancing the internal and external demands for compliance and risk management.

our values

We endeavor to provide a safe environment for our clients while delivering on our commitments with confidence and humility. We are driven by the constant evolution of our practice and the trust that our clients have placed in us to support them in this work. We understand that trust is “choosing to make something important to [our clients] vulnerable to the actions of [Safe Organizations]” and hold ourselves accountable to act in the best interests of our clients as they work to serve and support children, adults, communities, and their employees. 

We fundamentally believe in education as a practice of moving from the superficial to the substantial while wrestling with accountability, trust, justice, and empowerment. Based upon the teachings of paideia and b-r-a-v-i-n-g, we engage in partnerships with our clients that promote connection, understanding, and mutual respect. We recognize the importance of radically calling into question our experiences and assumptions to broaden our understanding of the world around us and interrogate our safeguarding practices so that we may continuously learn and evolve to support organizations, businesses, and institutions to dismantle oppressive and exploitative approaches perpetuated by indifference, inefficiencies, power dynamics, and/or hierarchies.

(Trust and braving messaging adapted and inspired by Dr. Brene Brown; Paideia messaging adapted and inspired by Dr. Cornel West)

our philosophy

Every organization is on its own safeguarding journey. The unique characteristic of safeguarding is that there is no final destination; it is constantly evolving and developing, especially as the culture of your organization transforms. Changes in organizational leadership or a critical safeguarding incident may influence how your organization approaches safeguarding. Wherever your organization is on its path to safety, we are here to help.

Our experience is rooted in years of practice with proven successful outcomes that have enhanced safety for children, adults, and staff alike. No matter the size of the project or service, quality consultancy begins with active listening and shared values. Furthermore, we believe trust is fundamental in our relationships with clients and serves to model our approach to safeguarding.

Our connections with our clients and ourselves are based upon B-R-A-V-I-N-G:

  1. Boundaries – We are clear about our boundaries and ways in which we can support and respect the boundaries of our clients and each other.
  2. Reliability – We deliver on our commitments even in times of adversity.
  3. Accountability – We are transparent about our mistakes and own them, apologize for them, and make amends.
  4. Vault – We hold information shared with us in confidence. We do not exploit our connections or networks for personal, business, or financial gain.
  5. Integrity – We practice our values.
  6. Non-judgment – We ask for help or clarification when something is unclear or we lack the requisite expertise or experience. Within our firm, we encourage our team – regardless of experience or tenure – to give and receive help without judgment or assigning value.
  7. Generosity – We assume the most generous interpretation about others’ words, intentions, and behaviors and then check in with them. We invite you to do the same with us!

We look forward to learning about your workplace culture so that we can the work in partnership with your organization.

our approach

Our approach to safeguarding and workplace culture is dynamic, multi-faceted, and puts people at the center of the process. Our services are available to support your organization through the cycle of safeguarding with a focus on five key areas: (a) Governance & Culture; (b) Prevention; (c) Training, Awareness, and Capacity Building; (d) Reporting; and (e) Responding. Our services are designed and developed based upon your organization’s needs and in accordance with the core activities associated with these five Safeguarding pillars.

Governance & Culture: Accountability Framework • Risk Management Framework • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) • Board Engagement • Safeguarding Resources, Budgets, and Personnel (organizational planning) • Strategic Planning & Mainstreaming • Donor Compliance • Audits • Data & Trend Analysis

Prevention: Development of Policy & Procedures • Safe Recruitment • Safer Programming Standards • Safe Partnerships • Community Assessment & Engagement Planning • Safe and Ethical Marketing & Media • Key Activities for New Proposals/Activities • Safeguarding Programming Budgeting Guidance • Monitoring & Evaluation Systems

Training, Awareness, & Capacity Building: Coaching • Supervision • Community Engagement Approach • Facilitated Training, Workshops, and Communities of Practice • Design and Development of Training and Workshops • Leadership Capacity Building

Reporting: Hybrid Reporting Channels • Whistleblowing Policy & Procedures • Reporting Mechanisms • Intake: Screening & Decision-Making • Donor Reporting 

Responding: Aftercare Procedures • Legal Mapping • Design and Development of Aftercare Directories • Safety and Risk Assessments for Case Management and Investigations • Internal Investigations • Investigation Procedures • Case Management Support • Case Management Procedures • Trauma-informed Investigation & Case Management Training • Structured Decision-Making Tool for Personnel Action • Action Planning