Coaching is a process. It is fulfilling and can also be uncomfortable. Some of the most important professional and personal growth is experienced when we allow ourselves feel discomfort and move through it.

Our approach to coaching is to work alongside you as a thinking partner. We believe that you already have the answers, but sometimes barriers get in the way of decision-making or fear replaces clarity. Through our coaching approach, we will help you to unblock your thinking and find resolution to questions, issues, or problems you may be experiencing. It can apply to either your professional capacity or personal growth and development; however, it is not a form of therapy and should not be used as a replacement for it.

Our coaching uses reflexive listening & inquiry to help you assess and clarify your own thinking and decision-making. This means that there are no pre-set questions that we ask; no outcome that we believe you should achieve. You are in the driver’s seat, and we are helping you steer along the course. Coaching is not about the “coach” giving you the answers or being the “expert” on the subject matter. Rather, coaching is about helping you unlock your knowledge, your power, your decision-making, and your critical-thinking. 

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