Every organization is on its own safeguarding journey. The unique characteristic of safeguarding is that there is no final destination; it is constantly evolving and developing, especially as the culture of your organization transforms. Changes in organizational leadership or a critical safeguarding incident may influence how your organization approaches safeguarding. Wherever your organization is on its path to safety, we are here to help.

Our experience is rooted in years of practice with proven successful outcomes that have enhanced safety for children, adults, and staff alike. No matter the size of the project or service, quality consultancy begins with active listening and shared values. Furthermore, we believe trust is fundamental in our relationships with clients and serves to model our approach to safeguarding.

Our connections with our clients and ourselves are based upon B-R-A-V-I-N-G:

  1. Boundaries – We are clear about our boundaries and ways in which we can support and respect the boundaries of our clients and each other.
  2. Reliability – We deliver on our commitments even in times of adversity.
  3. Accountability – We are transparent about our mistakes and own them, apologize for them, and make amends.
  4. Vault – We hold information shared with us in confidence. We do not exploit our connections or networks for personal, business, or financial gain.
  5. Integrity – We practice our values.
  6. Non-judgment – We ask for help or clarification when something is unclear or we lack the requisite expertise or experience. Within our firm, we encourage our team – regardless of experience or tenure – to give and receive help without judgment or assigning value.
  7. Generosity – We assume the most generous interpretation about others’ words, intentions, and behaviors and then check in with them. We invite you to do the same with us!

We look forward to learning about your workplace culture so that we can the work in partnership with your organization.